Participant Organized Workshops
Date & Time: Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20

POW-01: Participant Organized Workshops 1

  Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20(Rm. 381)

 Title: Basic Designs in Mixed Methods Research for Beginners


Lecturer(s): Leemoy Weaver (The University of the West Indies, Jamaica), Loraine Cook, PhD (The University of the West Indies, Jamaica), Steve Weaver (The University of the West Indies, Jamaica)  

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop) LectureParticipatoryConsultation (participants can bring their own projects/issues)

Language: English

Maximum number: Approximately 15-20 participants

Aims/Learning objective: The purpose of this interactive workshop is to introduce beginners to mixed methods research (MMR).

  1. We will discuss the definitions of MMR, purposes, objectives, rationales for conducting a MMR study, and three basic/major designs in MMR.
  2. The workshop will assume basic understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods. 

Summary of the contents:

Introductions of MMR; Overview of MMR basic designs; Group activity and interaction with MMR basic designs; Summary and Closure.

Messages for the participants:

Suggested readings: Creswell, J. (2015). A Concise Introduction to Mixed Methods Research, CA: Sage.Creswell, J. & Clarke Plano, V. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Brief biography:

Leemoy Weaver is an MPhil candidate in Sociology and lecturers Research Methods at the undergraduate level at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona Campus, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Faculty of Medical Sciences – UWI School of Nursing.

Loraine D. Cook, Ph.D.Dr. Cook has been a visiting scholar in Applied Psychology at the New York University (NYU) and the Faculty of Education, Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, Canada. 

Steve R. Weaver, holds a Ph.D. He is the Head of the UWI School of Nursing, Mona Campus, Jamaica for the past 6 years. He is also the Manager of the MMIRA-Caribbean Chapter and has been part of the team involved in the initial development of MMR in the Caribbean region.

POW-02: Participant Organized Workshops 2

Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20(Rm.382)

 Unpacking Ethical Conundrums in Mixed Methods Research


Lecturer(s): Leia K. Cain (University of South Florida)

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginners IntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop) LectureParticipatory Consultation (participants can bring their own projects/issues)

Language: English

Maximum number: 20

Aims/Learning objective:

When the workshop finishes, participants who conduct mixed methods research or who are considering conducting mixed methods research will be able to do the following:

1Unpack ethical issues within the field of mixed methods.

2Consider ethical issues within the field of mixed methods.

3Strategize about how to address these ethical issues within the field.

4Consider ethical issues within their own mixed methods studies.

5Strategize about how to address these ethical issues within their own studies.

Summary of the contents:

Dr. Cain will begin the session by discussing current research on ethics in mixed methods research and sharing her own personal experiences. Afterward, workshop participants will be divided into small groups, presented with fictional ethical scenarios, and then asked to discuss the issues with their peers to try to find a solution. We will then discuss the scenario and possible solutions as a larger group. Finally, participants will share their current or future research with their small groups and discuss potential ethical issues they might face and possible solutions.

Messages for the participants:

Have you ever wondered about what unique ethical issues mixed methods researchers face? Have you struggled with ethical considerations in your own work? Come learn about what ethical issues are pervasive within the field of mixed methods and strategize about how we can best address these issues!

Brief biography:

Dr. Leia K. Cain is an instructor in the Educational Measurement and Research Program at the University of South Florida. Her research focuses on issues of equity for marginalized populations and on researcher identity development.

POW-03: Participant Organized Workshops 3

     Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20(Rm. 385)

 Validity Assessment Criteria for the Mixed Methods Research


Lecturer(s): Joca Zurc (Okayama University, Graduate School of Education, Japan).

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop) LectureParticipatoryConsultation (participants can bring their own projects/issues)

Language: English

Maximum number: 30

Aims/Learning objective: Participants of the workshop will be able to achieve following learning objectives after the end of the workshop:

1Understand the importance of validity assessment in MMR.

2Distinguish between validity and other quality characteristics of the MMR.

3Analyze the main criteria for validity assessment in quantitative research, qualitative research and mixed methods research.

4Familiarize with the main theoretical frameworks for MMR validity assessment.

Use and applied a comprehensive framework of 10 validity assessment criteria for MMR on practical examples. 

5Evaluate the validity assessment frameworks and process.

Summary of the contents:

The workshop will and familiarize participants with the newest findings and practical approaches to plan, implement and evaluate a specific validity criteria for the mixed methods research.

Messages for the participants:

List of reading. Participants are strongly recommended to get familiar with the following literature before the workshop:

Ihantola, Eeva-Mari in Lili-Anne Kihn. 2011. Threats to validity and reliability in mixed methods accounting research. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 8 (1): 39−58.

Creswell, John W. 2014. Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (Fourth Edition). Thousand Oaks, California, ZDA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Brief biography:Joca Zurc holds three PhDs in statistics, philosophy and kinesiology, and Associate Professorship in health promotion. She originates from Slovenia, EU and currently acts as a JSPS International Research Fellow at the Okayama University in Japan. The complete bibliography of the lecturer is accessible via

POW-04: Participant Organized Workshops

   Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20(Rm. 386) 

Mixed Methods Case Study Research Designs (MMCSR) in Pure and Applied Settings


Lecturer(s): Dr. Loraine D. Cook, School of Education, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Dr. Vimala J. Kamalodeen, School of Education, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad.

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop)LectureParticipatory

Language: English

Maximum number: 20

Aims/Learning objective: Introductions and diagnosis of knowledge of MMR and case study designs; Overview of MMCSR designs; Group Activity and interaction with MMCSR designs, Independent work; Summary and closure

1Define mixed methods case study research (MMCSR).

2Develop understandings of how to integrate mixed methods research in case study research.

3Apply MMCSR to problems in pure and applied settings.

Summary of the contents:

Introductions and diagnosis of knowledge of MMR and case study designs; Overview of MMCSR designs; Group Activity and interaction with MMCSR designs, Independent work; Summary and closure.

Messages for the participants: Please read Creswell.

J. & Clarke Plano, V. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Plano Clark, V., Foote,L. & Walton,J. (2018)  Intersecting Mixed Methods and Case Study Research: Design Possibilities and Challenges. International Journal of Mixed Methods Approaches, 10(1), 14-29.

Brief biography: Loraine Loraine D. ,Cook, PhD is the first President of the MMIRA-Caribbean Chapter and currently serves as the Immediate past President on the Executive Committee. Vimala Kamalodeen, Ed.D, is the current President of the MMIRA-Caribbean Chapter and was the conference chair of the Third Regional Conference in Trinidad, March 2019. She is a lecturer in Mathematics and Computer Science Education at the School of Education.

POW-05: Participant Organized Workshops 5 (this workshop has been canceled.)

Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20(Rm. 387)


Mixing Artfully: Exploring the Integration of Visual Methods in Data Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination in Mixed Methods Designs


Lecturer(s): Dr. Cherie D. Edwards (Virginia Tech/Virginia Commonwealth University)

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop)LectureParticipatoryConsultation (participants can bring their own projects/issues)

Language: English

Maximum number: 15

Aims/Learning objective: Focusing on visual approaches such as photographs, participant developed and pre-existing drawings, identities maps, concept maps, and joint displays; this workshop will provide foundational training in employing visual methods in mixed methods research to gain new insights through novel and innovative methodological approaches. At the completion of this workshop, the participants will be able to do the following:

1Define and identify different forms of visual methods.

2Learn how to collect, integrate, and analyze visual data in MMR.

3Understand how integrating different forms of visual methods can contribute to the insights gained through MMR projects.

Summary of the contents:

The workshop will include a short (1 hr.) lecture introducing/re-introducing participants to visual methods. Additionally, participants will engage in group activities focused on integrating and analyzing different forms of visual methods in MMR design as well as discussions about ways in which visual methods can be integrated in participants’ current research endeavors.

Messages for the participants:

Participants are welcomed to bring relevant data and research designs from their current work. Otherwise, all other necessary materials will be provided at the workshop.

Brief biography:

Dr. Cherie D. Edwards is an incoming Assistant Professor in Medical Education at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Edwards earned a PhD in Educational Research and Evaluation from Virginia Tech. Dr. Edwards’s work focuses on visual methods and mixed methods research designs. 

POW-06: Participant Organized Workshops 6

Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20 (Rm. 388) 

 Constructing visual narratives for mixed methods findings


Lecturer(s): Wendy B. Dickinson, Ph.D. (University of South Florida, Department of Educational and Psychological Methods)

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop)LectureParticipatory

Language: English

Maximum number: 35

Aims/Learning objective: This workshop is suitable for all levels; but especially focused for Beginners/Intermediate learners who wish to learn more about visual display methodology, and how to incorporate visual display processes into their research.

Learning objectives

Participants will be able to:

1Describe historical and contemporary examples of visual data display.

2Describe the ways visual methods can help inform and disseminate mixed methods findings.

3Determine types of visual displays most appropriate for the intended purpose.

4Compare and contrast displays suitable for different variable types.

5Interpret graphical displays for research findings.

6Utilize graphic organizers as a research design tool.

7Utilize principles of aesthetics and scaling to create narrative depictions of research findings. 

Summary of the contents:

Workshop participants will participate in “hands-on” examples to construct visual narratives.

Messages for the participants:

Please join us as we discover and experience the creation and uses of visual narratives.

By utilizing visual methods to investigate complex phenomena, we can develop a richer, multidimensional picture of our data and the story that it tells.

Brief biography:

Wendy B. Dickinson (Ph.D., University of South Florida) is an educational researcher-practitioner. She holds a doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis in Educational Measurement and Research, and Cognate in Fine Arts. 

POW-07: Participant Organized Workshops 7 (this workshop has been canceled.)

Monday Sep.16, 8:20-10:20(Rm. 379) 

Designing Mixed Research: An Integrated Approach


Lecturer(s): Kathleen M. T. Collins

Expected level of participants: EntryBeginnersIntermediateAdvanced

Style: Exercise-based (typical workshop)LectureParticipatoryConsultation (participants can bring their own projects/issues)

Language: English

Maximum number: 25

Aims/Learning objective:

1The aim of this workshop is to present to researchers an array of conceptual strategies and practical techniques for developing an integrated approach to the design of MR.

2At the workshop’s conclusion, participants will be able to design and to implement the critical steps involved in conceptualizing, planning, and implementing the major types of research designs, sampling designs, and validity designs.

Summary of the contents:

Workshop Content: 1. Presentation of an expanded interpretation of design appropriate for a MR study or program of research; 2. Introduction of an interactive model of design with a specific focus upon understanding the major types of research designs, sampling designs, and validity designs; and 3. Discussion of a structured approach to design in the form of heuristic typologies appropriate for a MR study or program of research.

Messages for the participants:

Interspersed throughout the workshop will be interactive small-group activities to engage the participants in the iterative process of designing MR. These activities will be structured as breakout groups, and they will be followed by whole-group discussion. A laptop is not a requirement. However, it likely will be helpful in developing products during the small group discussions.

Brief biography:

Kathleen M. T. Collins is a Professor at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. Dr. Collins has presented and co-presented over 35 workshops. She is President-elect of MMIRA.

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