Tourist Information about Hamamatsu City
If you have plenty of time to explore
around Hamamatsu area, please check the following Website for the tourism information. The sites will tell
you how many options you can have. Also, the sites are beautiful, at which is just
worthwhile taking a look.
Following are the several recommendations
when you have not much time that can be spent in Hamamatsu area;
Hamamatsu-City Music Instrument
Museum: Hamamatsu is known for the city of
music due to wonderful piano makers such as Yamaha. Over 1,300 music
instruments are collected over the world and exhibited in the museum. You can
see them around and you can touch and play some of them.
Observation Gallery at the 46th
floor of Act Tower: Act tower is the highest
building in Hamamatsu and the surrounding area. You can go up to the 45th
flor and see around the area.
Hamamatsu Castle: Edo Era was begun by Ieyasu Tokugawa and he stayed at Hamamatsu
Castle over 17 years. This is the reason that the castle is known for
“advancement for one’s career.” YAMAHA INNOVATION ROAD: Yamaha is one of the world-known companies of which headquarter is
located in Hamamatsu. This gallery was newly opened last year to exhibit the
company’s history and their ideas for the future. The place is very chic and
has been popular. Reservation is needed although it is free to visit. Open only
on weekdays.
A little bit far. needing a half day or
more though, there are a few recommendations;
Nakatahjima dune: This due is located in Enshu-Beach with 600m of north-south and 4km
of east-west widths. The view is spectacular but be careful of the strong wind
and be prepared for getting a lot of sand on your heads and in shoes. But it is
worthwhile. You can ake busses from Hamamatsu station to get there. Hamamatsu Flower park: It exhibits many kinds of flowers collected from all over the
world. You can see seasonal flowers. You
can get there by taking the busses from Hamamatsu station.